White House Wacky Trivia
White House Wacky Trivia
How well do you know your White House history?
How well do you know your White House history?

Before Theodore Roosevelt, the White House was called by what other name?
What president installed running water in the White House?
Which president added a billiard room in the 1870's?
President Bill Clinton had what installed during his publicly documented struggles with weight and health?
How many bathrooms are in the White House
Which president had a putting green placed outside his office every morning?
In 1942, the White House received what new feature in the area that used to be the cloak room?
How many gallons of paint does it take to cover the exterior of the White House?
Due to its isolation and loneliness, President Truman referred to the White House as what?
Which president installed a bowling alley underneath the White House?
What type of medical office is located under the White House?
Which president was the first to inhabit the White House?