Can You Guess Their Profession Based On The Dragon*Con Costume?
Can You Guess Their Profession Based On The Dragon*Con Costume?
These Dragon*Con goers are all in cos-played up...but can you guess what they do in the real world?
These Dragon*Con goers are all in cos-played up...but can you guess what they do in the real world?

What do these Mad Max cosplayers do? (Hint: they work together)
What does Mrs. Pac Man do?
What about Wee Lil' Wonder Woman?
When he's not his alter-ego Quailman, the *real* Doug Funny does...
When Gamora's not guarding the galaxy, she _____.
When she's not being scary AF, this zombie clown does what for a living?
IRL, these trolls do what for their 9-5?
When she's not chasing after Thackery Binx, Winifred Sanderson of Hocus Pocus does this on the daily.
What does Final Fantay dude do for a living?
IRL, these Futurama Bender Robots are ____.
This Victoria Secret Angel spends her 9-5 doing what?
This Forest Dragon...
Bowser from MarioKart
Scary Pumpkin Head does what for dat money?