What Book Universe Do You Belong In?
What Book Universe Do You Belong In?
Should you go to Camp Half-blood or Wonderland? Or are you just a plain, boring old muggle?
Should you go to Camp Half-blood or Wonderland? Or are you just a plain, boring old muggle?

What do you want to spend your weekend doing?
What are you craving right now?
Where do you want to live?
What outfit would you wear in public?
What is something you CANNOT live without?
What is your favorite beverage?
What would you describe yourself as?
What superpower do you want?
Camp Half-blood
Camp Half-blood
You're secretly a demi-god. You should question your real identity. Don't believe what your parents say. They're just trying to protect you from a frightening yet wonderful destiny.
YER A WIZARD! You're courageous, smart, funky, and evil all at the same time. You're a magical being who does not deserve to live with muggles. Leave them and join the witches and wizards of Hogwarts!
The Capitol
The Capitol
You're a fancy and posh first-class unicorn. You may have a twisted heart (who in the world enjoys watching teenagers fight to their deaths?!) but it doesn't matter since your clothes are fabulous.
You're a really weird person...
YOU MUGGLE! Sadly, you're not magical or weird enough to be in any of these book universes. On the bright side -- oh wait, there is no bright side.