Best Email Marketing Practices on Your WordPress Site

Akashdeep Sharma
Created by Akashdeep Sharma (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Aug 6, 2018
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Best Email Marketing Practices on Your WordPress Site

Digital marketing in eCommerce world is a huge term. It includes different ways or platforms to capture consumer’s attention. Email marketing is also one of them. It generally involves your readers’ subscribing to the mailing list for your brand or service’s regular updates.

It is the best touchpoint where you are directly communicating to every individual. So, it should be unique and personalized in its approach to sound relevant.

As per statista, “the number of sent and received e-mails per day is set to increase to over 333 billion daily emails in the year 2022”
It makes clear that an effective email marketing approach is the most important aspect for every online retailer. Though you need to be careful while choosing this one as it may be proved as a total gain or your efforts can be in a total vein if not practiced carefully.

WordPress web development offers you a wide range of plugins or extensions to achieve the best email marketing practices in collaboration with expert WordPress developers that are easily available to hire. But it is not sufficient to achieve efficient result if not managed well. Apart from focusing on valuable audience that not only subscribes you but also buys from you, you need to follow some key rules as mentioned below:

Decide on your email frequency

It is very essential to decide the frequency at which you send promotional or product related emails to your subscribers or target audience. Bombarding your subscribers with too many emails can be a big problem. Email marketing is a unique strategy where being consistent can bring value though you should not be overdoing it.

One of the best solution to decide on your email frequency is to let the subscribers choose on themselves for it. You may offer them daily, weekly or monthly options and leverage them with their own choice. With such kind of approach, you will maintain your credibility and brand image in front of your customers.

Testing emails prior to sending

If you are a startup or starting email marketing campaign for the first time, you should not put yourself at a higher risk by exploring yourself directly to the customers. It is always advisable to test your emails within the team to check its accuracy, functionality of links attached, or any other part of it. It will make sure that all works as you have planned it should.

This way you are making yourself double sure prior to hitting the bullseye. It will not leave any chance of error or mistake.

Don’t populate emails

An email should have more text than of images or links to your website or promotional stuff. You can use the precise and to the point text to announce any updates or new features that you are supplying.

Share instead of Selling

Apparently, email marketing is to bring sales and conversions on your WordPress website. Though, it should not sound or feel so.

It is always advisable to use it to share new experiences or thoughts related to your subscribers’ interest. You can include some tips or trends to follow that are eventually linked to the products or services that you are dealing in. Directing emails this way to your subscribers will catch their interest and they may be interested in visiting your website to find more interesting stuff for them.

Make it professional

Professionalism is a key to success. It should be the most important thing in your email marketing list. Being professional in your approach shall leave a good impact on your subscribers. A few points to take care of includes:

- email structure
- subject line
- valuable links only
- a proper call to action (for redirection purpose) etc.

Consider WordPress extensions

Every custom WordPress development allows you to enjoy a wide range of WordPress email marketing plugins to simply the complete process for you. Having to mention a few, MailChimp and OptinMonster are the two best-selling email marketing plugins and are renowned for their great services.

Final Words
Having the best WordPress email marketing approach is a must to follow for a business success. And, every point mentioned above in the article shall help you to achieve so.

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