Powerful Ways to Implement AI in Magento eCommerce

Akashdeep Sharma
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On Oct 3, 2018
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Powerful Ways to Implement AI in Magento eCommerce

Currently, we are living in an era where new innovations in technology are burgeoning quickly. Our daily lives are becoming more and more technology-driven. One such technology invention is Artificial Intelligence (AI). Ranging from online searches to dealing with customers online by means of chatbots are ideal cases of digital assistants to ease our work.

Magento eCommerce and AI

With the competitive drive of the eCommerce industry, It has turned out to be fundamental for every retailer to offer the potential audience a better and more convenient environment while trading online. In this manner, a large number of the retailers have adopted AI trends in their Magento web stores. This way they are more capable of conquering the challenge of realizing and meeting the elevated standards of the customers. You are simply required to get in touch with a leading Magento company that is in a continuous flow with the latest trends. While choosing to hire Magento developer from it, you are also supposed to do a deep thorough research and figure out various ways in which you can get the benefits of artificial intelligence.

Below, I have come with some areas in which AI is demonstrating as a defining moment for online retailers:

Visual Search

Product or service search on your Magento web store is a perfect tool to convert a visitor or retain an existing customer. Any advancement in this area shall definitely lead you towards great rewards.

You can build your own visual recognition model with an artificial intelligence. It will address the need of your potential customers to search for any product on your Magento web store with visual search or custom training. Same AI technology has already given a competitive edge to many big tech companies. The positive aspect of this technology is that it is also meant for small-scale business. So you can also utilize it even if you are an SME or dealing with a few products.

- Visual search will allow you to automatically tag, organize & search content visually by labeling features of the image or video.
Sales Process

A huge variety of different sales channels like social media or other Tv advertisements have taken the place of old sales techniques (cold-calling etc.). Some social media platforms like Instagram are ruling the digital marketing over the past few years.

You can integrate AI based CRMs (like Siri or Alexa) in your system. It shall help you to tailor your problem-solving solutions and eventually creating a powerful sales message that reaches to consumers at the right moment.

An Increased Level of Personalization

Building an extreme personalization is the new level of personalization to increase the level of customer’s engagement. Since there occurred a great competition in eCommerce, the primary focus of every retailer has turned towards making web stores more personalized.

Marketers are in a constant search for more targeted audiences and strive to convey personalized messages that can hit their direct interest.

Artificial Intelligence holds an ability to predict your consumer behavior and so, can make more personalized recommendations for you. Being an online retailer, you can use AI for

  • personalizing website’s content
  • automated content delivery
  • analyzing demographic and behavioral data.

Customer Service

With every single technical advancement, customer’s expectations are increasing. And, the retailers have also realized this need to focus on building individual experiences rather than on the mass market. And, it is not possible for any retailer to be present 24X7 for customers. Though, AI helps you to do so. You can implement chatbots on your Magento web store.

As per Gartner’s research “By 2020, more than 85% of customer interactions will be managed without a human.”

“Chatbots are expected to be the no. 1 consumer applications of artificial intelligence over the upcoming 5 years”, as per TechEmergence’s research on AI.

Overall, artificial intelligence allows every magento development company to offer a more customer-oriented and personalized experience while setting up an eStore. Furthermore, AI makes it possible for retailers to manage million of user-interactions daily and a seamless experience that they ever dreamt of.

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