Oscar Nominee Roles Are A Lot Different Than Their Earlier Performances
Oscar Nominee Roles Are A Lot Different Than Their Earlier Performances
Sure, you know about the heavy hitters like 'The Revenant' and 'The Big Short', but will you even recognize these movie stars in their first roles?
Sure, you know about the heavy hitters like 'The Revenant' and 'The Big Short', but will you even recognize these movie stars in their first roles?

Bryan Cranston- Best Actor, Trumbo
Matt Damon- Best Actor, The Martian
Leonardo DiCaprio- Best Actor, The Revenant
Michael Fassbender- Best Actor, Steve Jobs
Eddie Redmayne- Best Actor, The Danish Girl
Cate Blanchett- Best Actress, Carol
Brie Larson- Best Actress, Room
Jennifer Lawrence- Best Actress, Joy
Charlotte Rampling- Best Actress, 45 Years
Saoirse Ronan- Best Actress, Brooklyn
Christian Bale- Best Supporting Actor, The Big Short
Tom Hardy- Best Supporting Actor, The Revenant
Mark Ruffalo- Best Supporting Actor, Spotlight
Mark Rylance- Best Supporting Actor, Bridge of Spies
Sylvester Stallone- Best Supporting Actor, Creed
Jennifer Jason Leigh- Best Supporting Actress
Rooney Mara- Best Supporting Actress, Carol
Rachel McAdams- Best Supporting Actress, Spotlight
Alicia Vikander- Best Supporting Actress, The Danish Girl
Kate Winslet- Best Supporting Actress, Steve Jobs