What Kind Of Cloth Diaper Are You?

Are you easy-going like a prefold or do you hide things like a pocket? Take our personality test to find out!

Cloth Alliance
Created by Cloth Alliance (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On May 4, 2016

What's your diet like?

What's your favorite movie genre?

What type of music do you listen to most?

Pick your favorite color.

Your favorite book is...

What's your dream travel destination?

How "green" are you?



You are classically simple, just like a Prefold Diaper. You like to lead and to persuade people. You also enjoy selling things and ideas. You perform the job without extra fuss and adapt to any situation with a few calculated folds. Like the innovator who invented the prefold, you are energetic, ambitious, and sociable.

Thanks for taking the Cloth Alliance personality quiz. Learn more about us at www.choosecloth.org and don't forget to #choosecloth!

All In One

All In One

You are an All-In-One Diaper. The easiest diaper to use, you love helping people and solving social problems. You are friendly and trustworthy. You have it all, and people love you for it.

Thanks for taking the Cloth Alliance personality quiz. Learn more about us at www.choosecloth.org and don't forget to #choosecloth!



You are a Hybrid Diaper. You are good a solving problems in a precise, scientific, and intellectual way. You are the best of both worlds. Adaptable to any situation, you roll with whatever little turds come your way.

Thanks for taking the Cloth Alliance personality quiz. Learn more about us at www.choosecloth.org and don't forget to #choosecloth!



You are a Fitted Diaper. You're very shy and prefer to be covered instead of in the spotlight. You are practical, mechanical, and realistic. You would be the perfect person to grow the cotton you're made from because you're excellent with plants and animals.

Thanks for taking the Cloth Alliance personality quiz. Learn more about us at www.choosecloth.org and don't forget to #choosecloth!



You are a Pocket Diaper. You are quiet, careful, dependable, well organized, and task oriented. You keep the many hidden layers inside you organized neatly and effectively just like a pocket.

Thanks for taking the Cloth Alliance personality quiz. Learn more about us at www.choosecloth.org and don't forget to #choosecloth!



You are a Wool Cover. You can be a bit difficult at times. Some may also call you high maintenance, but if the right attention is put into prepping, you are definitely worth the extra effort! You are expressive, original, and independent. Where others lack, you pick up the slack. Just like all the artistic wool covers out there, you love to do creative things..

Thanks for taking the Cloth Alliance personality quiz. Learn more about us at www.choosecloth.org and don't forget to #choosecloth!

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