Counselling Singapore

The Counseling Paradigm provides counseling services in Family, marriage, relationship counseling, individual counseling, depression and other issues in Singapore. Our aim in the counseling and therapy sessions is to enable you to raise your awareness and consciousness in working out your challenges in your life, and to resolve them for a greater quality of your life.

The Counselling Paradigm
Created by The Counselling Paradigm(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Mar 7, 2018
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How to Find the best Counselling Singapore

Today a lot of people face harassment at place of work and need counselling. Counselling is done by trained professional who dedicate effort and time. Many of the counsellors have set up counselling packages for different varieties of counselling. The packages include counselling for youth and children besides couple counselling, family counselling and a lot more. The counselling packages have a validity period.

There are different types of counselling packages and the fees for the counselling packages are subject to 7% GST. The first is an individual package of 60 minute duration where the charges are S 181.90. This package is divided into 4 parts in case the client requires to follow-up. On the second visit the client is charged $654.84 with 10% discount. On the third follow-up session the client is charged $1280.58 with 12% discount and if the client needs a fourth session of counselling then the charges are $1455.20 with 20% discount.

Marital Counselling

When married people face problems in their relationships then Counselling Singapore have to go for counselling to sort things out and improve their relationship. These counselling sessions are of 90 minute duration. In the first session the couple meets the counsellor for 90 minutes and the charges are 235.40 with GST and 10% discount. The second session is with 4 couples and the charges are $847.44 with GST and 10% discount.

If the couple requires a third follow-up session, 8 couples are given counselling together and charged $1600.72 with GST with15% discount. If the couple requires a fourth follow-up session, 10 couples are provided counselling together and the charges are $1883.30 with GST and 20% discount.

How can Counselling help?

Counselling can help to enhance the quality of life and improve the self-esteem of the person. The counsellors are professional and maintain confidentiality and the client can talk about their personal problems and work to set it right. The client can talk to the counsellor about the different problems affecting her and he will provide different strategies and options to solve the problems.

There are different problems that can affect women which include:

1) Loss and grief
2) Family violence
3) Harassment and Sexual assault
4) Marital issues
5) Stress management

The cost of the counselling session for women is 1% of the monthly salary per session. The maximum charge per session is $80 and the minimum charge is $20. Each counselling session is of one hour duration.

Counsellors in Singapore

Singapore is an excellent place to work but is also a lonely place for people who are far away from home without the familiar comforts. Many women feel insecure and live under constant stress. The other problems that affect women:

1) Postpartum depression
2) Infertility
3) Relationship conflicts
4) Career transitions

Most of the time counsellors and therapists are required to support and guide them back to their normal way of life. The counsellors direct their clients to the right therapist where they will find peaceful and safe environment to get back to their normal life. The counsellors are multilingual and can converse in English, French, and Portuguese. Spanish, Cantonese and Mandarin.


The Counselling Paradigm provides marriage counselling services in Singapore. We work closely with couples towards their relationship goals together. Our aim in the counselling and therapy sessions is to enable you to raise your awareness and consciousness in working out your challenges in your life, and to resolve them for a greater quality of your life. Learn more about Counselling Singapore and other benefits regarding to our services, you desire to be given more info on Counselling Singapore

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