What Type of Cosmic Being Would You Be?
What Type of Cosmic Being Would You Be?
Find out what you would do if you were to ascend to a state higher than the gods.
Find out what you would do if you were to ascend to a state higher than the gods.

How creative are you?
How Rebellious are you?
How often do you break the fourth wall?
On a Scale of 1-5, How Crazy/Weird Are You?
Furries: Yes or No?
Dimension Keeper
Dimension Keeper
You are a Dimension Keeper. You need no name, nor a physical form, for your only purpose is to take develop reality. Each dimension is your creation, and you are proud of every one of them.
You are a Librarian. You keep record of all the known Dimensions, and gather information from the In-Depth Observers. You're willing to try new things for the sake of discovery, but would rather avoid hurting anyone. The libraries you keep are filled with knowledge that you have hand picked.
In-Depth Observer
In-Depth Observer
You are an In-Depth Observer. You take the form of another being to enter a Dimension and observe it from within. Some of your kind prefer to create a pocket dimension and observe from a third-person perspective. All of your observations are written and sent to a Librarian, but the most unique are kept in reccord.
You are a Law-Keeper, the brute force of the Cosmic King and Queen, keeping the other cosmic beings in line. The rules are infinite to match the infinite powers of a cosmic being, but the Law-Keepers cannot touch the Omnipotent
You are the Cosmic King/Queen. You make the rules that everyone follows, even yourself. Powerful, fearless, and intelligent, you rule with an iron fist to keep the cosmos in balance.
You are Omnipotent, and the only physical form that can contain your power is that of an anthropomorphic being.. You have no limits to your powers or knowledge, so long as it is your desire. The only limitation is your imagination, and the rules you set for yourself. You go where you want and do what you want whenever you want, but tell me one thing: Are you for us, or against us?
You don't deserve to be a Cosmic Being