Which Handgun Are You?
Which Handgun Are You?
Six shooter? Glock? The classic 1911? Let us help you figure out which popular handgun best fits your style.
Six shooter? Glock? The classic 1911? Let us help you figure out which popular handgun best fits your style.

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Glock 21 (.45)
Glock 21 (.45)
You're a work horse, not a show horse. You care about getting the job done more than you care about how you look while doing it. You believe in strength and dependability. You are a .45 caliber Glock 21.
Colt 1911 (.45)
Colt 1911 (.45)
You won't settle for anything but the best, the tried and true. You're known to say, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." You crave the feel of steel and believe plastic guns are for amateurs. If it was good enough for the Greatest Generation in World War II, it's good enough for you. You are a .45 caliber Colt 1911.
Smith & Wesson M&P Shield (9mm)
Smith & Wesson M&P Shield (9mm)
You value discretion above all else. You know that big things come in small packages. You're as comfortable negotiating deals in the board room as you are on the range. You are a 9mm Smith & Wesson M&P Shield.
Colt Python (.357)
Colt Python (.357)
Reliable is your middle name, and you're never afraid of getting your hands dirty if the job calls for it. You don't crumble under pressure. You value accuracy over speed. And you know that strength and beauty often come in the same package. You are a .357 Magnum Colt Python.
Red Ryder BB Gun
Red Ryder BB Gun
Handguns aren't really your thing. You're a peacemaker who wants to avoid conflict whenever possible. You're also genuine and completely unique. Kids love you, and it's hard not to have a good time when you're around. You are a Red Ryder BB Gun. Be careful, though: you don't want to shoot anybody's eye out.
Springfield XDM (9mm)
Springfield XDM (9mm)
You are sleek and powerful, but not standard issue. You believe there's no such thing as too much ammo, and that anything worth doing is overdoing.. You have a way of making people feel safe around you. You are a 9mm Springfield XDm.