Throwback Quiz: LADY MIDNIGHT
Throwback Quiz: LADY MIDNIGHT
How well do you know LADY MIDNIGHT by Cassandra Clare
How well do you know LADY MIDNIGHT by Cassandra Clare

Throwback Quiz: LADY MIDNIGHT
In what part of Los Angeles is the L.A. Institute located?
What is Ty’s middle name?
Which fairy tale is there a mural of in Julian’s room?
What does Julian do on the anniversary of the declaration of the Cold Peace?
What did Ty name his computer?
What kind of food does Nightshade’s make?
The Blackthorn children are all named after…
Emma attempted to learn which beloved Carstairs family instrument as a child?
What did Cristina overhear Jamie and Diego discussing that made her leave Mexico City?
The chapters in Lady Midnight are lines from which Edgar Allan Poe poem?
Before the characters knew their villain’s identity, he was referred to as…
Who is NOT a narrator in Lady Midnight?
What is the Blackthorn family motto?
Which two did Cristina unintentionally see kissing?
Where is L.A.’s Shadow Market?
Ty had hidden what animal in his room as a reward to himself for solving a clue?
What is the one thing Ty and Livvy disagreed on?
What is the name of the Blackthorns’ uncle?
How does Julian refer to Emma’s stockpile of information about her parents’ death?
What did Mark's steed take the form of?
Arthur Blackthorn calls Iarlath a...
What movie title was Dru seen wearing on her shirt?
Who was Julian’s first crush?
What was Diego’s elaborate moniker?
Who did Cristina think was the most handsome Avenger?
What is the name of Emma’s go-to place for vintage clothing?
What was Kit’s thought upon seeing Ty for the first time?
What peculiar drink concoction did Dru make for herself and rightly vomit out soon after?
Which 3 familiar characters were witnesses to Julian and Emma's parabatai ceremony?
How many years after City of Heavenly Fire does Lady Midnight begin?
Who is the youngest Blackthorn sibling?
Who is a big fan of horror movies?
Who is the hooded figure that first enters the cave where Tavvy is lying unconscious?
Where is Helen Blackthorn?
What is the name of Emma’s sword?
Who shot Julian with an arrow?
How many lashes did Julian take before Emma took the rest?
Where did Annabel and Malcolm fall in love?
What is the name of Kieran’s steed?
Where did Annabel’s parents claim they took her as punishment for falling in love with a Downworlder?
What is a Hand of Glory?
What is Diego Rosales' position?
Which Blackthorn did the Guardian kidnap for his ritual?
Who killed Emma's parents?
What are Mark’s eye colors?
What does Tessa call Kit when she and Emma go to rescue him from the Mantids?
What was the last thing Mark said to Emma?
Who had found Julian and Emma sleeping on the beach the morning after they slept together?
Which two runes did Julian put on Mark?
How does Ty organize his books?
BONUS: The title “Lady Midnight” comes from…