What Greek God are You?
What Greek God are You?
This is a Quiz where you can find out which god you secretly are. Play to find out!
This is a Quiz where you can find out which god you secretly are. Play to find out!

What activity would you rather do?
How much do you weigh?
When do you go to sleep?
What do you prefer to write with?
What is your idea of a perfect vacation?
What is your favorite device?
You are Zeus
You are Zeus
You are part of the big three, and you are powerful. You are god of the sky and have huge lightning bolts. But beware your father, Kronos, and your grandmother, Gaea!
You are Poseidon
You are Poseidon
You are god of the sea. You are father of Percy Jackson and you are the brother of Zeus and Hades. Beware your grandmother and father!
You are Hades
You are Hades
You are an often jealous brother of Poseidon and Zeus. You live in the Underworld, but you are not evil. Sorry.
You are Apollo
You are Apollo
You're a pretty cool archer. You have a sister named Artemis. You are the god of the sun, music, archery, and much more.
You are Aphrodite
You are Aphrodite
You are an atttractive, as they may say, goddess who possesses the power to charmspeak, or persuade others with ease. You are the goddess of love.
You are Hermes
You are Hermes
You're Hermes! Everyone's fave! No? Okay.
You are Ares
You are Ares
You're too evil... The god of war.
You are Athena
You are Athena
You're smart and the mother of Annabelle Chase. Nice Job Sucker!