What My Little Pony Character are you?
What My Little Pony Character are you?
Find out what pony your personality is the most alike!
Find out what pony your personality is the most alike!

What would you rather do?
Your friends are fighting. You...
What is your favorite school subject?
When your bored do you...
Something strange is happening, you
People/Ponies are afraid of you or judge you. You...
You lose your favorite thing. What do you do?
You are given an extremely special and important gift. You...
You are given a certain amount of time to accomplish ANY-ONE-THING. What would you do?
Princess Luna
Princess Luna
You are misunderstood and have trouble making friends or reaching out to others. You are really kind, but can sometimes act out towards other because feelings of past events have been triggered. If you get to know someone though, you are very kind and open and try to do everything possible to not cause pain or dismay towards them. Sometimes, you accidentally lash out but try your best to soothe them afterwards. You sometimes talk too loud and give too much information, but you have been working on not doing so. Overall, you still have quite a bit to learn about belonging and trying to make new friends, but you still have good friends that help you along the way.
Princess Celestia
Princess Celestia
You are a leader and are always looking for the best in others. You try to help them discover their true selves. You are a morning person and love to take advantage of the day! You are serious when it is needed, but the the mood is right, you are silly and try to have fun!
Princess Cadence
Princess Cadence
You love younger fillies and Twilight Sparkle. You are very loving and caring, and try your best to spread love everywhere you go! If you see someone arguing or fighting, you will try to make them love each other and be friends!
Princess Twilight
Princess Twilight
You love books and all things educational! You are eager to learn about anything you can! You sometimes let your education and reading get in the way of others, but once you focus on your friends, there is nothing that will stop you from helping them in anything they need!
Apple Jack
Apple Jack
Yee-ha! You love the country and love apples! You are most like Apple Jack! You have an honest reputation with all other ponies and love getting messy!
Rainbow Dash or Pinkie Pie
Rainbow Dash or Pinkie Pie
You are the most like Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash! Both are funny, energetic and love jokes! Rainbow Dash is competitive, and Pinkie Pie is silly. Both are great friends, and your personality could make you either one!
You are shy, but can be loud when it is needed. Yo love animals and are kind to all you meet! Sometimes though, you can be too kind and let others take advantage of you. But you are able to stand up for you and your friends when it is the most necessary.
You love fashion! You are all about making yourself and others look FABULOUS! You love to share this talent of yours with others.