The History Room quiz: September 2019
The History Room quiz: September 2019
The History Room quiz: September 2019
September 18th is National Cheeseburger Day in the USA – True or False?
What is the literal meaning of ‘Magna Carta’?
Jacques Garnerin did what for the first time in 1797?
Whose nickname was ‘The Scourge of God’?
For what invention is Alfred Nobel famous?
Marie Curie is famous for what?
The Charge of the Light Brigade took place in which war?
What happened for the first time on an aircraft in 1929?
Which king led the legendary 300 into battle?
Who sailed in the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria?
Who succeeded LBJ as President of the USA in 1968?
Which US Vice-President resigned in disgrace in 1973?
Which city was the birthplace of the prophet Muhammad?
What was the nickname of frontierswoman Martha Jane Canary?
Which US president famously hated broccoli?
Who is in the picture?
Which Roman emperor’s nickname meant ‘Little Boots’?
In which US state have most nuclear bomb tests been conducted?
Which country was the last to formally declare war on Nazi Germany on April 3, 1945?
Which US president was born William Jefferson Blythe III?