Which Thanksgiving Side Dish Are You?
Which Thanksgiving Side Dish Are You?
Something sweet or something healthy? Take our quiz to find out!
Something sweet or something healthy? Take our quiz to find out!

What do you most look forward to during Thanksgiving weekend?
Who is most likely to cook Thanksgiving dinner?
Pick the ultimate Thanksgiving dessert.
Which famous Canadian would you love to have Canadian Thanksgiving with?
In terms of holiday rankings, where would you place Thanksgiving?
Which part of the turkey are you?
The best thing about long weekends is ...
The best part of Thanksgiving dinner is ...
Pick a random Thanksgiving decor item.
Pick a bird.
Cabernet-Cranberry Sauce
Cabernet-Cranberry Sauce
When it comes to Thanksgiving, you're all class. You have a type-A personality and like to get things done — the fancy way. Forget plain side dishes, you crave something with truffle oil, expensive garnishes and that fondant cake you saw on the Food Network.
Mashed Potatoes
Mashed Potatoes
You're chill, bro. You probably could spend more time coming up with a fancy side dish, but you're most likely to go with the fan favourite ... or just buy something from the store. However, you do appreciate good company and good friends. After all, you will probably be spending the holidays with your BFFs at a house party with a potluck.
You're all about tradition. You love Thanksgiving weekend because you love spending time with your family — even that annoying uncle who shows up to all family events and doesn't stop talking. You care about the big bird, delicious desserts and spend the next morning eating breakfast with the fam.
Mac & Cheese
Mac & Cheese
You are not actually a Thanksgiving side dish. In fact, you really don't care about the holiday specifically, but you do love having an extra day off to get things done. Whether that's for errands or catching up on sleep, you're all about paid vacations. However, because you are mac and cheese, everyone loves you anyway.
You're a type of roasted or steamed vegetable. You love eating healthy, but also love indulging in a full Thanksgiving dinner. However, you probably will hit the gym the next day, go for a walk after your meal and think about all the vegetables you ate in one go.