Migrant Crisis: 15 Questions To Test Your Knowledge
Migrant Crisis: 15 Questions To Test Your Knowledge
15 questions to test your knowledge of the current migrant crisis.
15 questions to test your knowledge of the current migrant crisis.

Between Britain and France, which country received the most asylum applications last year?
Is it quicker for migrants to access benefits in Britain or France?
Out of these countries, which has taken in the most migrants?
How much has been spent on the Calais Channel Tunnel's security this year?
Are French police actually arresting migrants?
How many migrants made it to the UK last year?
What is one of the current migrant camps known as by locals in Calais?
What is Operation Stack?
Is the UK being specifically targeted by all migrants?
How many migrants arriving in Europe are from Syria?
Turkey holds the largest number of refugees in the world. How many? (Source: UNHCR)
How many migrants have arrived in Italy by boat so far this year?
How big is the UK's black market economy, where illegal migrants are likely to work?
What percentage of the UK workforce is made up of 'illegal workers'?
The highest number of asylum applications in the UK came from citizens of which country last year?