Which CHS club should you join?

Of the many clubs at Carlsbad High School, this quiz helps you find which best fits your personality.

The Lancer Link
Created by The Lancer Link (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Nov 14, 2015

Where can you be found on a typical Saturday?

What school event are you most excited for?

What is your favorite class?

What is your spirit animal?

What section of thelancerlink.com do you read the most?

You just went through a difficult breakup. What is your go-to comfort food?

What color represents you the most?

What song tops your playlist?

What Disney character do you identify with?

If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go?

Future Voters of America Club

Future Voters of America Club

You are aware of the local issues and may want to play an active role. Maybe future member of Congress? Or even the next President? Just try not to get into any scandals…
Future Voters of America Club meets Thursdays at lunch in room 7202
Related clubs: Model United Nations Club, Gender Sexuality Alliance (GSA) Club, Mock Trial and Feminist Club

Spanish Club

Spanish Club

You are fairly outgoing, and enjoy socializing with your amigos. You like learning about different cultures and eating burritos. You are always down to fiesta!
Spanish club meets every Monday in the ASB room, 5004.
Related clubs: French Club, American Sign Language (ASL) Club, World Culture Club, Encuentros Club, Origami Club and Sister Cities Club

Students for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (SETA) Club

Students for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (SETA) Club

You care about animals, and want to make a difference by encouraging fair treatment. You are a pet enthusiast, and most likely love fluffy animals.
SETA Club meets Thursdays in room 5102
Related clubs: Green Club and Global Awareness Club

Fashion Club

Fashion Club

You channel your inner fashion police at all times. You know what looks good, and well, what doesn't. You are super creative, and find great ways to express your passion.
Fashion Club meets every odd Tuesday in room 4005
Related clubs: Acoustic Music Club, Improv Club, Drama Club, Art Club and Anime Club.

Mitchell Thorp Club

Mitchell Thorp Club

You care about the lives of others, but take a special interest in children suffering from life-threatening illnesses. You have a heart of gold and always look out for others. Your selflessness is apparent through your kind actions.
Mitchell Thorp Club meets every first even Wednesday of the month in room 3104.
Related clubs: Key Club, Teen Korps Club, Red Cross Club and Interact Club

Robotics Club

Robotics Club

Beep bop. You are a robot. Beep bop beep.
Calculations confirmed.
You are very interested in the Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) field, and will most likely thrive in the real world. You are invested in the future of modern technology and will look for logical solutions to everyday problems.
Robotics Club meets Mondays and Fridays after school in room 7104.
Related clubs: Science Olympiad Club, Odyssey of the Mind Club and Literary Book Club.

Juggling Club

Juggling Club

You are fun-loving and are always looking to entertain. You can multitask and are good at balancing all the different aspects of your life. You need a lot of balls to join this club!
Juggling Club meets every Wednesday in the old gym.
Related clubs: Improv Club, Anime Club, and Chess Club

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021