Which Gods of Asgard Character are You?
Which Gods of Asgard Character are You?
We all know Uncle Rick's classic Greek tales, but who are you from the Norse point of view?
P.S. The answers can be kind of obvious :/
We all know Uncle Rick's classic Greek tales, but who are you from the Norse point of view?
P.S. The answers can be kind of obvious :/

What's your favorite color (Yeah, I know, boring question) not based on the wallpaper?
A man is being attacked by some wolves! What do you do?
What's your favorite animal?
Fire or Water?
Magnus Chase
Magnus Chase
You are like Magnus Chase! A big softie at heart, you would rather protect your friends than risk their lives for the sake of the world. You may act tough and sarcastic, but you're really not. Or are you.....
You are like the elf Hearthstone! You can be serious at times, but you can deliver the perfect jokes sometimes. If you want something, you won't stop until you get it. You know what it's like to be misunderstood and shunned.
Samirah Al-Abbas
Samirah Al-Abbas
You are like Samirah Al-Abbas! You have INSANE willpower and have the power to resist pressure, literal or otherwise. You don't usually give out praise, but if you do, you mean it.
You are like the dwarf Blitzen! You care about people and will stick with them through thick and thin. You have an amazing eye for fashion and will try to fix your the outfits of your friends too ;)
Alex Fierro
Alex Fierro
You are like Alex Fierro! You have and impeccable sense of humor and HUGE amounts of sass. You don't just become friends with anyone, but once you do, they will be safe forever. You also hate being confined and change often.
Jack the Sword
Jack the Sword
You are like Jack the Sword! You may seem shallow, but you care about the ones you love a LOT. You're good at fighting and even better at singing Top-40 tunes ;)