Identify your Kagune.

Theme Whitlocke
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On Apr 15, 2018
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This RC Type is located right below the neck and between the shoulders. The Ukaku resembles fiery wings with the ability to crystallize into a shield or sharper stems for shooting projectiles and/or close range attacks. Ukaku users may have the prettiest RC type but at a cost, their fiery wings spew RC cells which eats up the users stamina, giving them a shorter time limit when it comes to fighting. On the other hand, they have superhuman speed, and a lightweight Kagune to match, allowing for quick take downs and an even faster kills. (Note to Ukaku Users:) Avoid direct hits, this will decrease your time limit exponentially. You have very fast attacks and can use projectiles for crowd control. Kill as fast as possible. You're the farther hitter, don't let tanks drag out your stamina, find their weak spot and take them down. (Weak Against: Koukaku) Copy link for more Ukaku:



This RC Type is located right below the shoulder blades. The Koukaku takes many forms, designs and colors but is extremely dense from a high concentration of RC cells and most commonly takes the attributes of shields and/or armor for the wielders. The Koukaku users also have the ability to extend their Kagune like a drill or rapier, but their true power is in defense from the sheer weight, sturdiness and strength of the Koukaku. Once RC cells are used to form the Koukaku not much more is used for the upkeep of having it active. Only other use for RC is for repairs during battle, giving the option for very long battles for exhausting the enemy. (Note to Koukaku Users:) Remain calm in battle and hold your ground. You have the heaviest and tankiest Kagune, giving you less chances to peck at your enemy, so wear down your enemy's stamina first then kill them. You may be the heaviest but also the hardest to break. (Weak Against: Rinkaku) Copy link for more Koukaku:



This RC Type is located on the back around the waist. The Rinkaku sprouts from said area, commonly in the form of scaled tentacles; colors and intricate designs for this Kagune can vary. The Rinkaku has a very high damage output, allowing heavy attacks for breaking down the Koukaku and tearing apart enemies. The Rinkaku's RC cells bind together easily, resembling a liquid when forming. Because of these constant binding cells, users of this Kagune have very fast regeneration and highly flexible RC forms, but said tentacles are very brittle and easily broken. (Note to Rinkaku Users:) Compared to other Kagune with balanced attributes, the Rinkaku is more of a glass canon. You have brute strength alongside fast physical regeneration, but if a clean blow is taken to one of your tentacles, you're open to opposing attack. Focus on ruining the enemy's Kagune by crushing them. Avoid having your arms caught and destroyed. (Weak Against: Bikaku) More Rinkaku:



This RC Type is located on the tail bone at the base of the back. The Bikaku heavily resembles a tail and offers medium mobility and medium attack range, with varying color and design. This Kagune is generally balanced and keeps a mid ground with all, speed, offense, defense and mobility, hence no notable abilities or weaknesses. A Bikaku has better speed and durability against the high damage, brittle Rinkaku, allowing them to cut off the Rinkaku's Kagune. (Note to Bikaku Users:) The Bikaku is very middle ground and referred to as the trump card of Kagunes. Even the CCG prefers this RC type for their Quinque because of it's balanced attributes. Bikaku users should use this preference to their advantage. Bikaku have the greatest advantage against all RC types compared to others. (Weak Against: Ukaku) More Bikaku:



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