Which Star Trek: The Next Generation Character Are You?
Which Star Trek: The Next Generation Character Are You?
A Star Trek personality quiz for all Trekkies out there!
A Star Trek personality quiz for all Trekkies out there!
What do you like to drink the most out of these?
The Borg are attacking the Enterprise. What do you do?
(P.S. If you can identify this Borg by his Borg name and nickname, you are my best friend.)
What do you do in your free time?
How do you cool off after an argument?
Why would you want to hurt someone?
Which episode (or title, if you haven't seen these) is the most appealing to you?
Which rank do you think you could be and do your best work as?
Which Star Trek technology would you be the most excited about?
Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
Which crew member do you think you are the most similar to?
Last question! Time to let fate decide.
You are Captain Jean-Luc Picard!
You are Captain Jean-Luc Picard!
You are the type of person who always keeps your word. As Captain Picard says, "The first duty of a Starfleet officer is the truth." If you have a duty to carry out, you do it without hesitation, even if it costs you. You are a workaholic, but you know how to have fun. You are a very interesting person and you will do anything for the lives of your crew. Engage!
You are Commander William T. Riker!
You are Commander William T. Riker!
You are a textbook extrovert. You love hanging out with friends and meeting new people. However, you are serious on duty, and always carry out the captain's orders. You are also a very optimistic, humorous person. What makes you even more awesome is the fact that you play the trombone (low brass rules!) and that you are outgoing and not socially awkward (don't know how ya do it, you wizard).
You are Doctor Beverly Crusher!
You are Doctor Beverly Crusher!
You are very protective of your crew. If someone is hurt, you are the go-to for help. Your care for others is overpowering, and you would never do anything to intentionally hurt anyone. You also value your family very much and do anything you can to make them happy (without spoiling them!). You could do great with raising children/babysitting, and many people admire your qualities.
You are Counselor Deanna Troi!
You are Counselor Deanna Troi!
You know exactly how to cheer up an upset friend. You care greatly about others and try to make them feel better. When the time is right, you binge on chocolate (well, all the time, really) or join the crew in a poker game. You are the kind of person who would never try to make anyone feel bad, even if you do truly hate them, because that would only pull you further apart.
You are Lieutenant Commander Data!
You are Lieutenant Commander Data!
You may sometimes struggle to find the meaning of life. However, you never give up on your quest to become more human. You always learn from your mistakes, as your positronic brain is incapable of forgetting anything. You are a flat out nerd, and no one can stop you from geeking out from time to time. You are introverted as well as a very interesting person(well, Android, really). You also may not be understood by others, but you learn to deal with it and just be yourself.
You are Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge!
You are Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge!
You are the go-to person when something isn't right. You know how to fix anything and everything, but your life isn't all mechanics and technology. You are a very outgoing, extroverted person, and you never fail to put a smile on anyone's face. You are well-liked and a very helpful addition to the crew.
You are Lieutenant Worf!
You are Lieutenant Worf!
You have a passion for aggression. You are very skilled in arguments and battles, and you value your honor above all. You are also a very loyal person (well, Klingon).You may be different from the others, but they still care greatly about you. However, you can lose your temper easily, so be careful about that.
You are Ensign Wesley Crusher!
You are Ensign Wesley Crusher!
People may see you as having a somewhat immature way of going about things. However, you have a very bright mind (and smile!) and your personality is wild. You know your ship inside and out, and you are a very lighthearted person. Even though you've gone through some tough times, you eventually get over them and continue on without holding any grudges.
You are...Ensign Potato...?
You are...Ensign Potato...?
Uhh...you like potatoes. A lot. That's all I have to say.
How do you feel about your result?
How do you feel about your result?