What Sherlock Villain Are You?
What Sherlock Villain Are You?
We can't all be Mr. Sex.
We can't all be Mr. Sex.
Are you a bit dramatic?
Do you consider yourself polite?
Do you use public transport (the bus and tube)?
What Disney Villain Do You Relate To?
Do you consider yourself sexy?
How important is personal hygiene and cleanliness to you?
How excited do you get?
What did you want to be when you were little?
And finally, have you threatened someone today?
Eurus Holmes
Eurus Holmes
Oh dear, you're completely crazy.
But in like a brilliant, misunderstood, Psyco kind of way.
You are by far the worst villain, congrats! Everyone hates you.
Jim Moriarty
Jim Moriarty
YAY! You are the best villain, period.
You're equal parts adorable and evil and it's amazing to watch.
Culverton Smith
Culverton Smith
You're the serial killer!
You are charismatic, clever, and a very good liar who gets ahead of themselves sometimes.
But you really should consult an orthodontist, okay?
You are calculating, manipulative and a little bit creepy.
Also, stop peeing in people's fireplaces!
That's just rude.
Irene Adler
Irene Adler
You go girl!
You're sexy, smart and use that sex appeal to bring every man (or woman) to his knees.