What Cannon Valley Cinema 10 worker are you?

Theodore Ash
Created by Theodore Ash(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jun 19, 2019
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How much does salary matter in a job?

What would be the worst thing to happen during a shift?

How would you rate your drawing skills?

What aspect of the job are you most suited for

How much time would you like to spend on the roof?

What's the best way to get to work?

Which of these things is most important to you

Favorite genre of movie?

Favorite Genre of Music?

What is your favorite on-shift snack

Max Felland

Max Felland

Worked at the CVC since day one, so he's a shift lead. He probably doesn't deserve it though.

Theo Ash

Theo Ash

Will loudly complain that none of the movies playing are original and that they're all Hollywood cash grabs. Brother of fellow employee Caroline Ash.

Bailey Seashore

Bailey Seashore

Younger than about half the staff but is still an assistant manager. Bailey is Mom.

Maggie Viland

Maggie Viland

She plays Softball and Basketball. She does theater. She was accepted to an Ivy League School. She skipped a grade. Her house burned down. Truly a jack of all trades.

Elayna Jenkins

Elayna Jenkins

Long Girl played by the one and only Kevin Durant in the CVCX movie. Does track and stuff. From Faribault. Possibly addicted to nicotine?

Andrew Kruger

Andrew Kruger

AKA Dewy. Skater boy, see ya later boy. Hit him up if you want to go to Wisconsin and buy fireworks. Brother of fellow employee Zach Kruger.

Zach Kruger

Zach Kruger

More responsible than any of the shift leads and yet is given the least amount of responsibility. Brother of Andrew. I can't even imagine.

Sam Morrison

Sam Morrison

If you are reading this you are Borrie Borrison. If you are reading Borrie Borrison, its time to GET BACK TO WORK.

Tyler Nelson

Tyler Nelson

Pretty good at baseball. Surprise member of the "Can Make Food" Club.

Creegan Croone

Creegan Croone

Newest employee as of right now. The personality alignment chart calls him chaotic neutral. This picture backs that up.

Griffin Rod

Griffin Rod

Has kind of worked at the CVC since day one. He was gone for a long time at college but has returned. Will not assist you unless he absolutely has too, otherwise you're on your own.

Brittany Marlow

Brittany Marlow

Her family made her move here from Florida to find a job and then left her here and moved to Texas. Now she lives here and usually hovers at around $10 to her name at any given time.

Caroline Ash

Caroline Ash

Self-described uninteresting person. On the frisbee team I guess? Big fan of Ryan Gosling. Sister of Theo Ash. Theo got her this job, by the way. You're Welcome, Caroline.

Isaac Guggisberg

Isaac Guggisberg

Spends most of his shift doodling. Seen here with green bowtie. Who knows where he got it.

Jennifer Black-Lyons

Jennifer Black-Lyons

I don't have a picture of her. She drives this yellow Volkswagen Beetle that is breaking down all the time. Queen of the box office.

Calvin Landsteinner

Calvin Landsteinner

Will always greet you with a friendly "what's up?" Always. Without fail. King of the Podium. Has gotten laser eye surgery since this photo was taken.

Nicole Menard

Nicole Menard

She's a redhead, which makes her the most diverse person here at the theater, actually. Member of the Faribault Four.

Bennett Hardy

Bennett Hardy

Long Time Assistant Manager. He's very proud of his truck. He collects cans for the aluminum. THREE DAYS UNTIL COUNTRYFEST!

Daniel Gransee-Bowman

Daniel Gransee-Bowman

Is a rapper known as Alien. He is also one of the assistant managers. He invited me to go to a Machine Gun Kelly Concert one time. Thinks every action movie looks amazing. Knows how to Party.

What Cannon Valley Cinema 10 worker are you?

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On Nov 18, 2021