How posh are you?
How posh are you?
Take our quiz to find out
Take our quiz to find out

How often do you go to the theatre a year?
Can you recognise this painting?
Know which wine goes with this meal?
Do you know who this political presenter is?
How do you pronounce croissant?
Know who this cricketer is?
Have you ever been to Proms in the Park?
Do you read newspapers daily?
Did you read 50 shades of grey before you saw the film?
Where do you buy your fruit and vegetables?
Which of these is your favourite tea?
Do you go for walks in the countryside?
Ooo la di da. You may as well be related to the Queen herself.
Fairly posh
Fairly posh
You're not super posh but you do often like the finer things in life.
Not posh
Not posh
You're just a regular joe, the kind of person that prefers a pint in your local pub.
What's posh?
What's posh?
Am I bovvered doe... no you're probably not.