Plan your Bournemouth night out
Plan your Bournemouth night out
Go through the stages of the night out and we'll tell you what result you'll get at the end of your degree
Go through the stages of the night out and we'll tell you what result you'll get at the end of your degree

Where are you going for pres?
You've got to pres - what's your drink of choice?
Everyone is pretty drunk, what time do you call a taxi?
You've arrived. Where are you?
Everyone is heading to the bar, what are you getting?
How many VKs will you end up drinking tonight?
What time are you leaving the club?
You're all off to get food, what are you getting?
You've just woken up the next morning, where are you?
How much did you spend?
You care very much about your degree and it will pay off. You understand that sometimes the sesh does come in at a minor second to your studies. Congratulations.
A 2:1 is a pretty good result seeing as you totally aced the sesh as well. You should give yourself a pat on the back for getting the balance of total legend and actually doing work perfect. Uni done right.
You're just an absolute sesh monster. You can resit an exam but you can't redo a night out, right? Keep telling yourself that and keep going out and making bad choices - you're doing amazing sweetie.
You'll drop out before you finish
You'll drop out before you finish
Uni really just isn't for you, is it?