Which Pretty Little Liar Shares Your Style?
Which Pretty Little Liar Shares Your Style?
Are you preppy like Spencer or glam like Hanna?
Are you preppy like Spencer or glam like Hanna?

Choose your favorite store.
What completes the outfit?
Which shoes do you wear most often?
Who is your celebrity style icon?
Which print is your favorite?
Choose a color.
Lastly, what are you going to be for Halloween this year?
Aria Montgomery
Aria Montgomery
Your Pretty Little Liars fashion doppelganger is Aria: trendy, hip...often peculiar Aria. Your style may be unorthodox, but it is always eye-catching. You adore weird patterns, own 7 pairs of feather earrings and are always on the lookout for a new zebra-print sweater. Others may call your fashion sense unusual, but you know the truth: You're the only one who can pull it off. Everyone else is just jealous.
Get all of Aria's best looks right here on TheTake: https://goo.gl/Inbnne
Spencer Hastings
Spencer Hastings
Of all the liars, you take after Spencer's preppy brand of style the most. Your polished wardrobe allows you to fit in at the Country Club or the Political Campaign Center - wherever you happen to be hanging out that day. You dress like a member of British Royalty - only one with some actual career ambition. Oh, and of all your lying friends, you're the only one who actually knows how to dress properly at a funeral.
Get all of Spencer's best looks right here on TheTake: https://goo.gl/Inbnne
Hanna Marin
Hanna Marin
Your style icon is Hanna, by far the most glamorous of the liars. Your wardrobe walks the perfect line between edgy and polished, between sexy and fancy. You're an expert on all the best brands and always have some designer shades handy. Sure, maybe you shoplifted a few of your more expensive looks, but so what? You can steal products, but you can't steal a good sense of style.
Get all of Hanna's best looks right here on TheTake: https://goo.gl/Inbnne
Emily Fields
Emily Fields
Congratulations, your Pretty Little Liar style muse is Emily. An athlete at heart- uniforms, sporty track jackets and sweatpants take up a large part of your wardrobe. Going out, you're most comfortable in flannels (lots of flannels), but you also look great in short skirts and low cut tops. Not exactly the best funeral attire, but you don't see anyone around you complaining.
Get all of Emily's best looks right here on TheTake: https://goo.gl/Inbnne
Alison DiLaurentis
Alison DiLaurentis
Your fashion inspiration is Alison. Your style has been a bit in flux over the years. Maybe you used to dress a bit sultry, but all that eventually changed (maybe after an incident involving you running away but letting people think you're dead? No judgement). Now, well, you're a bit of a soccer mom. You live for floral patterns and never miss a sale at Macy's. But you still have that fringed yellow top in the back of your closet from the old days...just in case the right occasion comes along.
Get all of Ali's best looks right here on TheTake: https://goo.gl/Inbnne