23 Things Every BookWorm Knows

Ultimate truths of book lovers everywhere. If you consider yourself a bookworm, these will resonate with you! From www.TheWorks.co.uk (home place of the 8 for £10 book deal).

The Works
Created by The Works (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Aug 23, 2016

Life just feels better knowing you have a book in your bag.

Having a book in your bag makes you secure. Against what, we don't know, it just does.


Sniffing a book isn't weird

Like a fine wine, they have a scent all of their own.


There's no such thing as just one favourite book

Don't ask us to choose, that's ridiculous. Can you choose a favourite child? Actually, don't answer that.


A romance with a fictional character IS as powerful as IRL

Ish. Hey, you can dream right?


Not liking reading isn't a thing

And if it is, we don't want to know about it. How empty a life without reading must be.


Book addiction is stronger than shoe addiction

Book bargains? Cheap books? You're not umming and arring, they're in your bag quicker than you can say 8 for £10!


A Library card is better than a Platinum Credit Card

Endless escapism? New discoveries? Yeah, we'll take that.


You'll know 'the one' because they won't mind the bedside lamp being on...

Because bedtime reading is non-negotiable.


Long journeys are made for reading

Unless you get car sick... Or are driving, because that's just dangerous. But trains, planes and passenger time equals reading time. Get over it.


Never disturb someone when they're nearing the end of a book

Slowly back out of the room. Now.


And don't even think of talking to someone who's literally just finished a book

That's a special time and your reality is not theirs. It's called a book hangover and it can last some time. Do not approach.


Yes, actually, bookmarks ARE a good gift

Where's one when you need one, eh? Because otherwise we'll use literally *anything* not to lose our place.


When Beast showed Belle the library...

Move over Fifty Shades, that was seriously HOT!


Keep your spa, give us a book in the bath

The ultimate indulgence. Candles optional.


It's ok to feel smug when people haven't read the book

There's nothing more satisfying than knowing something they don't!


A book inscription is the most beautiful love letter of all

A romantic note in the title page of a book? Yes, please.


Ripping apart the TV/movie version of a book is the best bit

If they have to ruin it, you'll darn well let everyone know about it.


The struggle when you've finished a book series...

You'll miss those characters soooo much.


You've been caught crying in public while reading a book

Because it's upsetting when your favourite character dies, okay? It hurts.


There is only way of arranging a bookshelf

And it's by height order. Genre. Spine colour. Okay, there isn't one way, but your way is the right way. End of.


When a book comes back from a friend dog-eared - That's. It.

A friendship should be immediately terminated in this situation.


Holiday packing is far more difficult than you think

Just take flip flops. That'll do. Then more room for boooooooks!


You'd much rather curl up with a book than.... anything else

It's a no brainer.

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On Nov 18, 2021