Which Item Would You Be In The Pencil Case?
Which Item Would You Be In The Pencil Case?
With kids already thinking about going Back To School (eek!) we wondered what we'd be if we were something in a pencil case. Turns out, we'd be a pencil sharpener. Who knew? Want to know what you'd be?
With kids already thinking about going Back To School (eek!) we wondered what we'd be if we were something in a pencil case. Turns out, we'd be a pencil sharpener. Who knew? Want to know what you'd be?

Your friends would describe you as...
Pick a color (go on, you always have to pick a color in these quizzes...!)
You've knocked over some milk. What do you do next?
What's your favorite smell?
Which age group are you in?
You have to move for work - where would you move?
Which is your most used emoji?
You are the ultimate fixer. Your friends come to you with their problems. Sometimes it can seem like you're so busy sorting everyone else out that you hardly have any time for yourself. Redress the balance and have a day off!
We love stationery - pick your back to school pencil case items from our huge range of bargains - http://www.theworks.co.uk/c/kids-zone/school-essentials
Gel Pen
Gel Pen
The natty gel pen sums you up perfectly. You're creative and imaginative. You like to make jokes and cheer people up. But underneath all that comic genius is a sensitive soul. Be sure to allow that side of your personality to shine through too!
We love stationery - pick your back to school pencil case items from our huge range of bargains - http://www.theworks.co.uk/c/kids-zone/school-essentials
Fountain Pen
Fountain Pen
Some may say you are a little aloof, but really you are just a bit particular. You have traditional values. You are a leader of men and can come across a little bossy, but usually with good reason - you're often right about things. Remember to trust others to get things right once in a while though!
We love stationery - pick your back to school pencil case items from our huge range of bargains - http://www.theworks.co.uk/c/kids-zone/school-essentials
Things are quite black and white to you. Everything has a definitive answer and you get straight to the point. You can be incorrectly perceived as dull sometimes by those who don't know you well enough. You are the one who makes sure everything is in place for tonnes of fun!
We love stationery - pick your back to school pencil case items from our huge range of bargains - http://www.theworks.co.uk/c/kids-zone/school-essentials
Pencil Sharpener
Pencil Sharpener
Oh pencil sharpener, you straighten everything out. You use tried-and-tested systems in life and like to stick to them. Don't forget to let your hair down once in a while ! Let things get messy and don't worry too much!
We love stationery - pick your back to school pencil case items from our huge range of bargains - http://www.theworks.co.uk/c/kids-zone/school-essentials
You, dear highlighter, just love to be the center of attention. If people aren't looking your way, you make sure to let them know of your presence. You are bright and breezy and great fun to be around. Don't forget to share the limelight occasionally though.
We love stationery - pick your back to school pencil case items from our huge range of bargains - http://www.theworks.co.uk/c/kids-zone/school-essentials