Which Little Miss Book Represents Your Life So Far?
Which Little Miss Book Represents Your Life So Far?
Can we guess which of the 'Little Miss' series of books best represents your life thus far... Answer a few simple questions to find out the real book of you! Find out the literary masterpiece that could double up as your journal!
Can we guess which of the 'Little Miss' series of books best represents your life thus far... Answer a few simple questions to find out the real book of you! Find out the literary masterpiece that could double up as your journal!

How did you do in school?
Which job best matches what you do?
Are you more impressed by...?
What time do you get up in the morning?
How do you deal with stress?
How well do you get on with your friends?
When you're walking along the street, you...
Are you...?
Which is your favorite hobby?
Your recurring nightmare is...
What's your favorite form of transport?
Where do you see yourself in five years?
Little Miss Sunshine
Little Miss Sunshine
Well aren't you just a little sunbeam of happiness? You've always taken things in your stride because you see the good in everything. There's been very little you couldn't overcome with your sunny disposition. Keep up the good work!
Little Miss Bossy
Little Miss Bossy
Hate the word "bossy"? Don't! It shows that you know what you want and have striven to get it throughout your life. You're successful because you are a go-getter. OK, sometimes you might be a little bit bossy, but without you, nothing would get done!
Little Miss Lucky
Little Miss Lucky
Your whole life has been a series of happy coincidences and good fortune. But don't forget - you've probably made your own luck along the way, by being friendly and open to everything. Good luck comes your way and it will continue to do so.
Little Miss Whoops
Little Miss Whoops
The word you've probably used most over the years is, "Oops". Because, let's face it, you can be a bit clumsy. It's not always your fault, life is busy and you can forget to look where you're going. Don't stress the little things and watch where you're going!
Little Miss Curious
Little Miss Curious
You've always had a childlike wonder about the world and an eagerness to learn. Even if you didn't do brilliantly at school, you've kept up a thirst for knowledge and have a good idea about what's really going on in the world. Don't go changing!
Little Miss Busy
Little Miss Busy
Your life so far has been a blur - getting things done and doing it all at once. It'll always be a tough juggling act because you have high standards. Don't forget to slow down and enjoy the little things in life sometimes. You always say you'll do it, but make the time this week. Go on, put your feet up, you've earned it!