17 Highlights You Won’t Believe From The RNC Coverage
17 Highlights You Won’t Believe From The RNC Coverage
Some of these are awesome...others are awful.
Some of these are awesome...others are awful.

Fox News Commentary
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If any of you noticed while watch the Fox News coverage of the RNC, didn't they seem to just talk through EVERYTHING? Especially during the roll call of the votes...
The roll call is literally democracy in-action. What kind of subliminal message does it send to the American people? It says this: "Democracy is a farce." It's indicative of what is actually important to Fox News, and to an extent, the rest of the main stream media. Seeing democracy in-action may not make the best in profits, but this country isn't one giant corporation; it's a democracy, where people's votes are listened to and counted. Fox News kind of undermined that during their coverage of the second night of the RNC.
The Children
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Anyone else think it's kind of strange that Donald Trump's children are so involved in his campaign? Okay, making sure your kids have a good job is any parent's wish, but this is starting to look more like dynastic rule.
The speeches given by the Trump kids were devoid of any policy whatsoever. All they did was talk about how great Daddy Trump is. When you realize that Trump is giving his kids such a "yuge" position in the political spotlight, what can you imagine will happen if he's elected? Will they be on the cabinet? He clearly trusts them with much, but can the American people trust them?
Ben Carson
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Ben Carson's speech at the RNC got a little...sidetracked. Almost all of Carson's series of utterances was devoted to Hillary Clinton...or the devil...
Carson started with an extended introduction, but we know he's a bit long-winded. He went into a whole speech basically dedicating itself to defaming Hillary Clinton. Ben Carson even alluded to Clinton as a worshipper of the devil at the behest of her mentor. The sheer hypocrisy of then going on to cite Thomas Jefferson in the same speech–nay, convention–who consistently blurred the line between church and state, is a complete insult to the man who championed its separation.
LGBTQ – The Pence Question
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Ever since Trump made Mike Pence his running mate, it seems the GOP has gone into full-blown panic mode. How many times did they blatantly pander to the LGBTQ community? Countless.
Why would the GOP need to reassure the LGBTQ community? Well, that's because Mike Pence has spent much of his political career alienating and insulting that community. This is a man who actually believes in the "benefits" of conversion therapy, the idea that being LGBTQ is a mental illness and can be "corrected." With such a vehemently anti-LGBTQ running mate, it's no wonder that they would be trying their hardest to retain what remains of that demographic in the GOP.
The Kasich Snub
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There were a lot of people at the Republican National Convention. But there were also some who WEREN'T there. Namely, John Kasich.
The convention was held in Cleveland, which is in Kasich's home state of Ohio. The man didn't even go to the convention of his own party, in his own state! It's no secret that Trump has alienated many in the Republican establishment, even the Bush's snubbed the event. In an almost hilarious manner, however, John Kasich went nearly everywhere in Cleveland but the Quicken Loans arena. His own little boycott. Brilliant!
No Roll
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Something kind of crazy happened during the roll call vote. Some delegates were denied their vote when threatening open revolt on the floor to vote on convention floor rules. Turns out the Republican National Committee and the Trump Campaign teamed up for this one.
Instead of allowing what would basically only stall proceedings, the Trump Campaign and RNC showed the kind of thin-skinned authoritarian abridgment of democracy that a Trump presidency would look like. It would have resolved itself, that much was known for certain, but the Republican powers at be decided to wield authoritarian power and deny them their right.
Hillary Haters
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More than half of the speakers at the Republican National Convention spent their time on stage demonizing Hillary Clinton. But why would they do that?
There were many at the convention who were vehemently #NeverTrump. Basically, in order to foster party unity, they needed to demonize the "other side." While these kinds of tactics are usually more subtle in normal election years, this year was proved different. More than overt fear mongering, the Hillary hating was particularly over the top. At one point, the crowd was cheering "Lock her up, Lock her up."
ISIS Around Every Corner
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It seems the theme of fear mongering was an ever-present motif throughout the entire convention. Many speakers spoke about the dangers of ISIS, but they weren't talking about foreign policy.
More than one speaker told the crowd that Daesh (ISIS) is a strong and present force in all fifty states of North America. Really! ALL FIFTY STATES. And that was just one of the bold-faced lies present at the RNC. Daesh is far too busy committing war crimes–like destroying ancient sites and genocide–in the Middle East. In reality, they just don't have that kind of structure or funding to have operations across all fifty states. After all, they can barely pay their soldiers as it is.
Ted Cruz
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This list just would not be complete without mentioning Ted Cruz's speech. Everyone, absolutely everyone, wanted him to endorse Donald Trump and he just didn't. It was brutal and amazing.
Ted Cruz took to the stage to tell voters not to be unified against Hillary Clinton, nor to tout Republican policy; he implored every United States citizen to "vote your conscience." That's huge! Endorsing the victor at a party's convention is just good establishment politics. But instead of Trump's primary contender bringing together his supporters for the sake of party unity, he said "Screw You" to every Trump supporter at the Republican Nation Convention in the best way possible. Good for you, Ted Cruz.
The Trumptrance
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The Republican National Convention may not have specific rules, but they do have general protocol with the way they do things. It seems Donald Trump doesn't care.
Normally, at a party's national convention, the presumed nominee would wait until the last night to appear and make an acceptance speech. But not The Donald. Oh no. He came out on the very first night, to introduce his wife, Melania. That's actually pretty adorable. Defying the national convention's protocol to introduce his wife is actually pretty romantic. Well done, Donald. Well done.
The Truth
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It would make sense for political pundits and commentators to fact check any speech at a party's national convention. Well, many did just that, and the results weren't good.
According to politifact.com, there were some true statements, there had to be; but, much of the statements made by speakers, like Rudy Guliani and Jeff Sessions, told blatant lies and half-truths to the people on the convention floor. Especially on the first night, there was a lot of the "B" word being thrown around: Benghazi. After so many hearings, so much taxpayer money wasted on multiple investigations, they are still not satisfied with the same answer that they keep getting.
Blue Lives Matter?
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The first night saw a lot of Blue Lives Matter rhetoric being thrown around. And that seems really, really strange.
The fact that there were actual speakers highlighting Blue Lives Matter simply felt like a jab at Black Lives Matter. Why in the world would they alienate a movement inhabited by a demographic that would be KEY to a republican victory in November, but instead they decided to prove that they still have absolutely no idea why Black Lives Matters is even a thing. Shame. Shame on them.
Rudy Guliani and the Unity of Fear
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Rudy Guliani came up to the stage and immediately began to make everyone as scared as he possibly could. His BEGAN his speech saying "Americans do not feel safe" anymore.
This is a dangerous speech, and it wasn't just Rudy Guliani either. There was more blatant fear mongering at this Convention than any in recent history. In fact, the entire theme was "Make America Safe Again." That's terrifying. If America isn't safe, with militarized police forces, and, literally, the largest most advanced and well-funded military on the planet–if the United States is not safe, than no nation is safe.
The Kiss
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There was a fantastic moment right after Donald Trump's running mate Mike Pence finished his speech. Trump came out and attempted to kiss Pence on the forehead.
Look at it, it's brilliant. It's like Donald Trump is petting a dog and wants to give it a kiss for being a good boy, only just as he's about to make contact, he panics and stops in his tracks, leaving us with this beautiful clip right here. Perhaps one of the more humorous parts of a convention that was filled with many antics, but most of them were more frightening than funny.
The Trump Point
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After Melania Trump finished her speech, Donald came out and put her arm around her...and pointed at her body...then gave a thumbs up.
In particular, he pointed at what looked like her breasts. Now, we know very well how Donald Trump feels about his wife's level of attractiveness. In fact, it almost seems like that's all he talks about in terms of Melania. He literally cannot bring up his wife without talking about how beautiful she is, which is great as a husband; but, as a presidential candidate, the potential First Lady should maybe be known for more than being beautiful. And the media has pointed out that she is in fact very bright, but The Donald has not. More importantly, perhaps not objectifying your wife in front of thousands of people should've been the priority there.
FLOTUS: Plagiarized.
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As some viewers were watching Melania Trump's speech at the RNC, a heavy case of nostalgia, even déja vu came over them. It turns out the some of the speech was directly ripped from Michelle Obama from back in her 2008 at the DNC.
If you are going to plagiarize, you plagiarize the best, and that's Michelle Obama. There's a reason she's known as the finisher. In that sense, Melania Trump did a great job. In a more down to earth and realistic sense, it doesn't send a great message to the millions of people who love the Trumps and hate the Obamas. The speech itself is brilliant, and the ethics exuded are admirable and commendable, if only the ethics of the Trumps could be seen in such a way.
The Acceptance Speech
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This was a very long speech. It was so long, you could almost watch an entire motion picture to this speech.
But that's not what's important. It's an incredible feet to talk for such a long time, say basically nothing, and make someone be terrified for there very lives. Donald Trump delivered a speech that teetered between authoritarianism and intense individual liberty. To hit this nail in the head, Trump goes on to say just how scared, unsafe, and on the edge America is; trying to have us believe that the nation is on the brink of collapse, when it is far from anything of the sort.
According to sources like Politifact, Donald Trump actually told more lies than truths during his acceptance speech. What message does it say to the rest of the world if the United States elects a man who so transparently fans the fumes of fear and hatred to as many ears that our technology can allow to be heard? Perhaps the United States has some critical thinking to do come this November...