How Well Do You Really Remember The First Pirates Of The Caribbean Movie?
How Well Do You Really Remember The First Pirates Of The Caribbean Movie?
"You best start believin' in ghost stories, Ms. Turner - You're in one!"
"You best start believin' in ghost stories, Ms. Turner - You're in one!"

Which material does James Norrington half-expect Jack Sparrow's sword to made of?
How does Jack Sparrow escape the gallows at the end of the film?
What is Mr. Gibbs' first name?
Which of these characters never committed mutiny?
Which of these characters does not take the cursed gold out of its chest?
Which Port does Jack Sparrow take Will to in order to find a crew?
By what means do Jack and Will travel underwater to the HMS Dauntless?
Who is the most skilled swordsmen in the first Pirates movie?
What century does Pirates of the Caribbean take place in?
How many years passed between the mutiny on the Pearl and the curing of the curse of Cortez?
How do Will and Elizabeth first meet?
How many girls slap Captain Jack Sparrow in the face while trying to find a crew with Will?
What trade does Will pursue during his years in Port Royal?
How does Elizabeth Swann know Mr. Gibbs?
When being read his crimes, which does Jack Sparrow chuckle at?
What is the name of the ship that Jack and Will commandeer?
What is the name of the island that Cortez's cursed gold is kept on?