What is your EWOK Name?
What is your EWOK Name?
Answer these questions to get your own Ewok name!
Answer these questions to get your own Ewok name!

Which side would you fight for?
As an Ewok, what is your specialty?
If Ewoks had spaceships, which planet would you travel to?
If you had to meet another species, which would it be?
Which craft would you ride in?
What kind of geography would you rather live in?
If you were a Jedi Ewok, what would your lightsaber color be?
What role would you play in your village?
Which monster would you stand up to first?
Which of these would you give to your lover-ewok as a gift?
According to your answers, this is your Ewok name! The cute cuddly Ewoks are truly sentient and intelligent beings. You, Leektor, are of noble rank. Descended form chieftains of old, you have all the qualities which you inherited from your ancestors. Leadership, strength, knowledge of berries, and where to get the best meat. Above all, you know how to appease the Golden One!
According to our team of experts, this is the name given to you as an Ewok. This name is descended from the ancient Ewok warriors of old. You are their descendant, from a strong line with many mates in every generation. There are those Ewoks known to the outside worlds, that your ancestral line has made known to the outer worlds through their cunning and bravery!
According to your answers, this is the name given to you by the Ewok nation. The Tree City is the best place to settle down, but you and your ancestors have made a name for themselves as outsiders; those who would rather live by themselves with their mates, rather than with the rest of the city. Sometimes shunned, the other Ewoks just do not understand your preference. But it is through understanding that you are always able to find a mate!
According to our team of experts, this is the name given to you by the Ewok nation! Your ancestors were great foragers, always somehow finding the best land to forage, the best seeds, nuts, and berries are all obtained by those of your lineage. For this, your family has become famous. In hard times, you have brought the Tree City many great fruits, and have shared your bounty with your brothers. For this, they are forever indebted!
According to your answers, this is the name which would be given to you by the great Ewok nation. In their culture, you have become known to them as a great caregiver. The young Woklings have been indebted to you for quite a long time. Generations of them have gone through your care. Everyone knows how affectionate Ewoks are towards their young, making your role incredibly important!
According to our team of experts, this is the name that would be given to you by the great Ewok nation! In Ewok culture, your family has been the high priests for generations. Your ancestors have foretold the coming of the Golden One. When he finally arrived, you were vindicated. The great prophecies were all true, and the Great Tree City flourished like never before after his arrival!