Can We Guess How You Feel About Winter In Just 10 Questions?
Can We Guess How You Feel About Winter In Just 10 Questions?
Well it's that time of year again! Winter time has come around. Think we can guess how you feel about the coldest of seasons in just 10 questions?
Well it's that time of year again! Winter time has come around. Think we can guess how you feel about the coldest of seasons in just 10 questions?
Which of the following winter items do you like most?
Which of these words do you think is best for describing Winter?
Which of these elves do you think is the most "realistic"?
Have you been good this year?
The idea of sitting by a fireplace and sipping a warm drink sounds _____ to you.
You wish that winter could be _____.
If you were an animal in winter you'd prefer to be ...
You just found out it will be snowing for a week. How do you react?
You'd prefer to spend a winter vacation at ...
Do you believe in magical winter things like living snowmen?
You Hate It!
You Hate It!
We think you hate winter. You don't like the cold, the dull, the ice, and you especially don't like the crowds all over the place. You wish the whole season could just be skipped! SKIPPED you say!
You Dislike It!
You Dislike It!
We think you dislike winter. You might like the cold, or the snow, or maybe you like all the festive lights, but overall... you just don't like the season. You'd much rather have an extended fall. That would be nice actually.
You're Indifferent!
You're Indifferent!
We think you're indifferent towards winter. You don't really like it, nor do you dislike it. You kind of like the snow but not really, and the cold just doesn't make a difference to you. Overall you are very "meh" on the whole thing.
You Like It!
You Like It!
We think you like winter. There's just something about it! It's either the cold, or the snow, or maybe it's twinkly lights and the general "cheer." Whatever it is, we are sure you think this is a humdinger of a season!
You Love It!
You Love It!
We think you love winter. It's all the snow and cheer, all the lights, the bright cold days... you just love it. At least most of it. You would not give up the winter time for another season, you might even want an extended winter!
You're A Snowman!
You're A Snowman!
We think you are a snowman. You like winter so much you seem as though you need it. The cold weather and the magic cheer of the season is the mojo that keeps you going. Although... we bet you still like hot chocolate!