How Familiar Are You With The Three Flavours Cornetto Trilogy?
How Familiar Are You With The Three Flavours Cornetto Trilogy?
The Three Flavors Cornetto Trilogy, or "Blood & Ice Cream Trilogy", consists of Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz and The World's End, so named because of the inclusion of a different flavor of Cornetto ice-cream in each movie.
The Three Flavors Cornetto Trilogy, or "Blood & Ice Cream Trilogy", consists of Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz and The World's End, so named because of the inclusion of a different flavor of Cornetto ice-cream in each movie.

In "Shaun Of The Dead," what is the name of Shaun's stepfather?
In "Hot Fuzz," Nicholas Angel is transferred to the village of Sandford, in what county?
In "The World's End," how many pubs do they intend to visit for their pub crawl?
In "Shaun Of The Dead," which of these characters is "David"?
In "Hot Fuzz," when he is partnered with Angel in the film, what is Danny's rank?
In "The World's End," Sam (pictured) is whose sister?
In "Shaun Of The Dead," where does Shaun work?
In "Hot Fuzz," which of these action movies did Angel and Danny NOT talk about?
In "The World's End," at which pub did Gary first discover the robots?
In "Shaun Of The Dead," what does Ed do to inadvertently give away the group's location?
In "Hot Fuzz," Danny and Angel are trying to stop the NWA. What does "NWA" stand for?
In "The World's End," what does the group decide to start calling the robots?
In "Shaun Of The Dead," can you name this old friend of Shaun's?
In "Hot Fuzz," who was the leader of the NWA?
In "The World's End," what was the name of the gang's infamous pub crawl?