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How Well Do You Remember The Original Power Rangers?

It's Morphin' Time!

Tibby Zupan
Created by Tibby Zupan
On Aug 27, 2015
1 / 15

Who was the original Red Ranger?

2 / 15

Can you name this evil villain?

3 / 15

Who was originally sent by Rita Repulsa to infiltrate the Power Rangers and betray them?

4 / 15

Who was the original Blue Ranger?

5 / 15

Do you remember what enemy the Rangers fought in almost every episode?

6 / 15

Can you name these two?

7 / 15

Who was the original Green Ranger?

8 / 15

Who was the mysterious being who gave the Rangers their power?

9 / 15

What character's catch-phrase was "Ayeyaiyai" ?

10 / 15

Who was the original Yellow Ranger?

11 / 15

Who ran the Juice Bar the Rangers often visited?

12 / 15

Can you name this character?

13 / 15

When the Rangers combined their Zords, they formed the ...

14 / 15

Who was the original villain for the Power Rangers?

15 / 15

Where is Lord Zedd's palace located?

Questions left
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