Which Dragon Ball Z Villain Are You?
Which Dragon Ball Z Villain Are You?
Frieza, Cell, Buu, Vegeta, Captain Ginyu, and Garlic Jr. are some of the most memorable DBZ villains. Which one are you the most like?
Frieza, Cell, Buu, Vegeta, Captain Ginyu, and Garlic Jr. are some of the most memorable DBZ villains. Which one are you the most like?

Which villainous trait would you most likely possess?
How do you fight?
When you power up, your energy is ...
Just how crazy are you?
Your family is ...
When exchanging scary stories, yours is about a ...
Do you care about collecting the Dragon Balls?
If you could choose, where would you come from?
Do you wear armor?
You like movies with a lot of ...
You are Frieza! Born to a father who had an abnormally large power-level, Frieza was born immensely powerful. He has never really had to train, or practice, as he has never needed to. He has always been able to easily defeat his foes, with the exception of sparring with his family. He conquers over 400 known planets, and annexes the Saiyan race into his Galactic Frieza Army. Though he was eventually defeated by Goku, Frieza has remained one of the deadliest beings in the universe.
You are Cell! He is an android created by Dr. Gero and Gero's super computer. He is insect-like in all his forms, but most so in his Larval Form. He mature form he calls "Imperfect", as he needs to absorb Gero's other androids. He is arrogant even in this form, but even more so once evolved. In his Perfect Form he is a match for even the toughest of the Z Fighters. It is only with knowledge from the future than Trunks is able to defeat him. They hope he never returns...
You are Buu! Kid Buu was already incredibly powerful when he began absorbing the Supreme Kais. Once he had absorbed the Grand Supreme Kai he was transformed into Majin Buu, and became innocent and playful. In this form he was sealed away by the wizard Bibidi, later to be released by his son Babidi. Upon his release he showed the Z Fighters his immense power until transforming into Evil Buu. Even after defeat it seems, he will always return.
You are Vegeta! Born the Prince of all Saiyans, Vegeta has a serious demeanor and a talent for combat. He is an elite Saiyan warrior who has tremendous pride. He arrives on Earth with his partner Nappa while searching for Kakarot, who on Earth is known as "Goku". When defeated he swore he would become the most powerful Saiyan to have ever lived. Eventually he joins forces with the Z Fighters in order to face down foes more sinister than himself.
Captain Ginyu!
Captain Ginyu!
You are Captain Ginyu! Special powers developed during his childhood which allowed him to switch bodies with others. Soon he decided it was more important to train his own body and become physically powerful. He is leader of a special mercenary group known as The Ginyu Force. He is commissioned by Frieza to find the dragon balls of Namek, and kill Vegeta and his comrades. Throughout his life he has shown himself to be one of the strongest fighters in the known galaxy.
Garlic Jr.!
Garlic Jr.!
You are Garlic Jr.! His father was imprisoned by Kami in the Realm of Darkness, leaving Garlic Jr. with a deep resentment and desire for revenge. He is the only character in the entire Dragon Ball series to be successfully granted eternal life by the Dragon Balls. He allows his lackeys to keep the Z Fighters busy while he goes to Kami's Lookout. There he transforms into his Super Form. Though eventually defeated by Gohan, he waits in his Dead Zone for his next chance for revenge.