Which Gary Oldman Character Are You Most Like?
Which Gary Oldman Character Are You Most Like?
Gary Oldman is like a chameleon in his different roles. Which one do you share the most in common with?
Gary Oldman is like a chameleon in his different roles. Which one do you share the most in common with?

A good movie needs to have ...
What kinda character are you?
One interesting thing you can do is ...
When trying to hide you would ...
Do you work for someone else?
Do you have a mustache?
How do you dress?
Where do you live?
Your best friend is a ...
James Gordon
James Gordon
You are James Gordon! Gordon had served in the United States Marine Corps prior to becoming a police officer. As a policeman in Gotham City he helped a young boy named Bruce Wayne after the boy's parents were murdered. Later he became Police Commissioner of Gotham City, and he was aided by the vigilante known as "Batman". The two of them are on a never-ending quest to bring and end to the corruption, and give their city back to it's people.
You are Dracula! In 1462, Vlad Dracula returns from a victory against the Turks to find his wife, Elisabeta, has committed suicide after receiving a false report of his death. Enraged that his wife is now damned for committing suicide, Dracula desecrates his chapel and renounces God, declaring that he will rise from the grave to avenge Elisabeta with all the powers of darkness. In a fit of rage, he stabs the chapel's stone cross with his sword and drinks the blood which pours out of it.
Sirius Black
Sirius Black
You are Sirius Black! Sirius is a pure-blood wizard, the older son of Orion and Walburga Black, and the brother of Regulus. He was a good friend of James Potter's during his time at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He was wrongfully imprisoned in Azkaban, but is known to be the only person to ever escape unassisted. After he escape he rejoined his friends in the Order of the Pheonix, and again took up the fight against the Dark Lord Voldemort.
Norman Stansfield
Norman Stansfield
You are Norman Stansfield! Norman is a DEA agent who employs a holder to store cocaine in his residence. When he learns that the holder has been stealing some of the drugs for himself, he and his henchmen gun down the man's entire family, with the exception of 12-year-old Mathilda, who is able to find refuge with neighbor, and professional hit-man, Léon. Stansfield is ruthless, and at times seems quite crazy, but he gets results.
George Smiley
George Smiley
You are George Smiley! Born in the early 1900s and took an interest in language when attending college, primarily studying Baroque German literature. In 1928 he is recruited into an espionage organization known as "Circus". He proved to be a brilliant agent, and his superiors during World War II greatly respected him. in early 1951 moved into counter-intelligence work, where he would remain for the next decade. During that period, Smiley first met his Soviet nemesis, Karla, in a Delhi prison. Karla proved impossible to crack.
Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg
Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg
You are Zorg! Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg is the founder and namesake of Zorg Industries, a powerful weapons manufacturer. He often deals with the Mangalore and hires them as his private army when necessary. Eventually Zorg is contacted by the Ultimate Evil, a sinister and mysterious force, and agrees to work for the Ultimate Evil. He sends his Mangalore out in search of a precious "fifth element" that must be found, as it is the one thing that could stop his new employer.