Which Real-Life Mad Scientist Are You?
Which Real-Life Mad Scientist Are You?
What kind of real-life Mad Scientist would you be? Let's find out!
What kind of real-life Mad Scientist would you be? Let's find out!

What would be the focus of your experiments?
Your primary field is ______ Science.
Which of these TV shows do you like the most?
Do you think you are good or evil?
Life is ...
Which of these do you fear most?
Which of these movies would you pick to watch?
Which of these Avengers are you most like?
What would be in your secret laboratory?
Which of these things would you use in your experiments?
José Delgado
José Delgado
You are José Delgado! You like to experiment with Mind Control devices, particularly those that use radio frequencies in order to stimulate the brain. You work with animals too, and use them to showcase your experiments. Why, once you even used a remote control to stop a charging bull dead in its tracks! You believe that someday armies will be controlled by electric stimulation of the brain.
Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla
You are Nikola Tesla! You enjoy playing with electricity, and all your friends love to marvel at your man-made lightning bolts. You like to discuss particle guns and anti-gravity "flying machines" with anyone who will listen too. People may not understand you falling in love with a pigeon, or your aversion to touching human hair, but you won't let that deter you from your important work!
Ilya Ivanov
Ilya Ivanov
You are Ilya Ivanov! You believe that you can further the human race through cross-breeding with apes. Most people think your work is outright wrong but you don't let that get you down. You are convinced that you will usher in a new era for mankind through your experiments. You have absolute faith that someday everyone will marvel at your work. You WILL create a real-life "planet of the apes"!
Jack Parsons
Jack Parsons
You are Jack Parsons! You are a brilliant rocket scientist who follows Thelema, the philosophy-cum-religion developed by Aleister Crowley. You like to throw occult dance-parties around the fire in your garden with your friends. Friends like founder of Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard!. Besides your rocket science, you are deeply interested in the occult. You want to use your scientific and magical prowess to summon spirits into our world!
Johann Konrad Dippel
Johann Konrad Dippel
You are Johann Conrad Dippel! You were born in the real-life castle Frankenstein near Darmstadt, Germany. In your down time you create one of the first synthetic dies, "Prussian Blue". Your life's work is to obtain immortality through an elixir of life. People spread rumors about your experiments on human corpses, possibly making you the inspiration for Mary Shelley's novel "Frankenstein"!
Sergei Brukhonenko
Sergei Brukhonenko
You are Sergei Brukhonenko! You enjoy working with animals, and by "work with" you mean "experiment on". You don't make many friends in your line of work, but you don't let that get you down. You dislike your animals dying so much that you try to bring them back to life, even if only reviving their head! While mostly unsuccessful, your work leads to major advances in Russian open-heart surgery!