Are You Ready for the Women's Handball World Championship 2017?
Are You Ready for the Women's Handball World Championship 2017?
Do you claim to be a Handball aficionado ? Prove it with this quiz!
Do you claim to be a Handball aficionado ? Prove it with this quiz!
Which country will host the women's handball world championship 2017 ?
When will the games be held ?
How many players are usually on the field during a game ?
How long does one game usually last ?
If you look at the game of handball carefully, you will realize that it is a combination of three games :
The highest speed a handball can reach is
It's believed to be the second fastest game on the earth after ice hockey .
The first ever international handball game for women was played between Germany and Austria in ... ?
Which team won the last women's Handball World Championship in 2015 ?
Handball is the second largest sport in Europe after football !