The Sports Fan's 12 Days Of Christmas!
The Sports Fan's 12 Days Of Christmas!
Need some gift ideas for the perfect sports fan in your life? Well this list might help... but good luck making all these happen ;) Most enjoyable if read to the tune of the classic song ;)!
Need some gift ideas for the perfect sports fan in your life? Well this list might help... but good luck making all these happen ;) Most enjoyable if read to the tune of the classic song ;)!
On the 1st Day of Christmas my Sports Fan gave to me...
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... A Basketball Hoop with a 3! (or 98 if you are Steph Curry in the 2015 playoffs)
On the 2nd Day of Christmas my Sports Fan gave to me...
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...2 Hole in Ones and a Basketball Hoop with a 3!
On the 3rd Day of Christmas my Sports Fan gave to me...
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...3 Strikeouts... and a Basketball Hoop with a 3!
On the 4th Day of Christmas my Sports Fan gave to me...
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... 4 RBIs... and a Basketball Hoop with a 3!
On the 5th Day of Christmas my Sports Fan gave to me...
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5 Power Plays... and a Basketball Hoop with a 3!
On the 6th Day of Christmas my Sports Fan gave to me...
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6 Home Team Drop Goals... and a Basketball Hoop with a 3!
On the 7th Day of Christmas my Sports Fan gave to me...
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7 Touchdown Dances...and a Basketball Hoop with a 3!
On the 8th Day of Christmas my Sports Fan gave to me...
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... 8 Slammin' Volleys... and a Basketball Hoop with a 3!
On the 9th Day of Christmas my Sports Fan gave to me...
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... 9 Smashing Aces... and a Basketball Hoop with a 3!
On the 10th Day of Christmas my Sports Fan gave to me...
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10 Spot on Free Kicks... and a Basketball Hoop with a 3!
On the 11th Day of Christmas my Sports Fan gave to me...
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...11 Handball Jumpshots...and a Basketball Hoop with a 3!
On the 12th Day of Christmas my Sports Fan gave to me...
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12 Interceptions... and a Basketball hoop with a 3!