Quiz: Who Said It - Justin Bieber or The Weeknd?
Quiz: Who Said It - Justin Bieber or The Weeknd?
How well do you know these music stars?
How well do you know these music stars?
Created by TigerBeat (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Apr 16, 2017
1 / 6
Once you've changed who you are or who you've portrayed in your music, the fans, they'll catch it.
2 / 6
Now that I'm on top, everyone wants to bring me down. Everyone's trying to tug at me and take my spot.
3 / 6
As I get into it more, I want to grow as an artist, as an entertainer, and basically perfect my craft.
4 / 6
I make good music for long journeys.
5 / 6
I grew up idolizing story tellers who tell stories using symbolism, so it was in my nature to do the same.
6 / 6
I'm really an animal guy. I express myself in different ways as an animal.
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