Which Star Trek character are you?
Which Star Trek character are you?
Are you a Klingon on the starboard bow or an heroic Captain Kirk?
Take this quiz to find out who you're most like!
Are you a Klingon on the starboard bow or an heroic Captain Kirk?
Take this quiz to find out who you're most like!
Which is your favourite football team?
What best describes your behaviour at a party?
Which of these TV programmes do you like to unwind to?
The crew of the Starship Enterprise has been infected by an alien virus which has led to mutations. How do you identify your real crew?
What is your favourite colour?
If you could do any other job what would it be?
The best form of defence is…
You have many strong points, but what would others say is your weakness?
Captain James T. Kirk
Captain James T. Kirk
Captain and Comander you fear nothing
Klingon Worf
Klingon Worf
It isn't all about looks!
Montgomery "Scotty" Scott
Montgomery "Scotty" Scott
I cannae tek-it captain
Mr. Spock
Mr. Spock
This is most illogical
Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy
Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy
Dependable, heroic and caring
Deanna Troi
Deanna Troi
A shoulder to cry on... you are there for people