Pop quiz: Idaho history
Pop quiz: Idaho history
How well do you know the past? Test yourself on this trivia from south-central Idaho's historical museums. Then turn to Sunday's "Big Story" section to explore many of the other fascinating finds there. You'll also learn why some of the museums' futures may be uncertain.
How well do you know the past? Test yourself on this trivia from south-central Idaho's historical museums. Then turn to Sunday's "Big Story" section to explore many of the other fascinating finds there. You'll also learn why some of the museums' futures may be uncertain.
The town of Hagerman was named for ...
Ada Marie Paoli's 1945 wedding dress hangs on display at the Lincoln County Historical Museum in Shoshone. Paoli created the dress from ...
These glass globes displayed at the Minidoka County Historical Museum in Rupert contain ...
This brand is carved into an 1880s rifle at the Gooding County Historical Museum in Gooding. The rifle is a ...
This Hopi Kiva Sioux ceremonial robe from the 1800s sits on display at the Hagerman Valley Historical Museum in Hagerman. The robe is made from ...
What's special about this bed?