Which Bill Murray Character Are You?

Toad Belly Guru
Created by Toad Belly Guru (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Apr 13, 2018
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What's your favorite type of music?

How would your friends describe you in three words?

If you were a badass (and we know you aren't), what would your fighting style be?

What's your favorite food?

How many medications are you currently taking?

If you were a sock, what kind of a sock would you be?

You're Bob Wiley!

You're Bob Wiley!

While some may find you a bit clingy, you are a devoted optimist who's not afraid to face your fears! You have overcome a lot of adversity but you never let anything get in your way. You should feel good, you should feel great, you should feel wonderful!

Oh, you're Carl...

Oh, you're Carl...

So you're a little different - who isn't? You're probably still a good person somewhere deep down, right? You enjoy the outdoors and old ladies in their tennis outfits. You creep others out at times but that's ok! You do you! Now go eat your Baby Ruth.

You're Ernie McCracken!

You're Ernie McCracken!

Congratulations, you're a dick! You're someone who's used to always being on top, and you aim to keep it that way. You're not afraid to kick others when their down or backstab your friends - who are we kidding, you probably don't have any friends! Enjoy your winnings, but remember, "Sometimes a bowler just has to face the music."

You're Peter Venkman!

You're Peter Venkman!

You came, you saw, you kicked ass!
Let's be honest, at times you can be sarcastic, cynical, and a bit apathetic, but when it really comes down to it you are a loyal person who your friends can always count on! Your friends are lucky to have someone like you who always has their backs - and a snide comment for everything you see.

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