The Definitive Narcissism Personality Evaluation Test
The Definitive Narcissism Personality Evaluation Test
We're all a little bit narcissistic, but where do you fall on the scale?
We're all a little bit narcissistic, but where do you fall on the scale?
Rate yourself: I will be a success.
My body is nothing special.
I wish I were more confident.
I have a natural talent for influencing people.
I tend to be a fairly cautious person.
When people compliment me, I tend to get embarrassed.
I can usually talk my way out of anything.
I try to accept the consequences of my behavior.
I am no better or worse than most people.
I am not sure if I would make a good leader.
I find it quite easy to read people.
I want to amount to something in the eyes of the world.
Sometimes I am not sure of what I am doing.
I rarely depend on anyone else to get things done.
I like to do things for other people.
I will never be satisfied until I get all that I deserve.
I don't care about new fads and fashions.
I can live my life in any way I want to.
There is a lot that I can learn from other people.
(Not a Narcissist) You fall below average on the Narcissism Scale!
(Not a Narcissist) You fall below average on the Narcissism Scale!
You carry yourself with humility and possess a tremendous amount of self-awareness. You exhibit traits of a truly selfless and caring person, who rarely seeks attention or credit. You are well within the spectrum of a normal and healthy self-image, but you are less concerned with yourself than most people. You don't put too much stock in physical possessions, and instead focus your time and energy on building your character and supporting those around you.
Were you surprised by your result? Tell us in the comments!
(Perfectly healthy and balanced sense of self) You fall slightly above average on the Narcissism Scale!
(Perfectly healthy and balanced sense of self) You fall slightly above average on the Narcissism Scale!
While you do fall above the national average on the Narcissism Spectrum, you possess a healthy and balanced sense of self. You carry yourself with confidence and are very aware of your strengths, but you don't flaunt them. You tend to shy away from the limelight, but are willing to take leadership positions when you are the best person for the job. People know that they can rely on you for a helping hand or sound advice, and that you will do your best to be a team player. You are ambitious and want the most from life, but you do so cautiously and with a level-head.
Were you surprised by your result? Tell us in the comments!
(Narcissistic tendencies) You fall within the performer range on the Narcissism Scale!
(Narcissistic tendencies) You fall within the performer range on the Narcissism Scale!
You show slight narcissistic tendencies, which is normal for people who love the limelight like you do. You are a performer at heart, and love to wow people with your flair for the dramatic. You possess all the confidence and ambition of a true star! Whether at work or among your friends, you always stand out in a crowd. You have big dreams and hope to one day make a real impact on the world around you. There's no doubt you'll see your name in lights one day!
Were you surprised by your result? Tell us in the comments!