How Much Do You Really Know About "The Donald"?
How Much Do You Really Know About "The Donald"?
13 questions about THE notorious DONALD to find out how well you really know the most flamboyant presidential candidate!!
13 questions about THE notorious DONALD to find out how well you really know the most flamboyant presidential candidate!!

Did Donald's parents send him away to Military School or Private School?
Is Donald a germaphobe (dislikes shaking hands) or a Cynophob (dislikes dogs)?
Is Donald's favorite drink Water or Vodka?
Does Donald eat his pizza with his Hands or a Fork?
Is Donald a Smoker or a Non-Smoker?
Did Donald graduate from UPenn or Harvard?
Does Donald mostly consume Organic-Foods or Junk-Food?
Did Donald own a Football team or a Basketball team?
Is Donald's first wife a former Olympic Skier or a former Stripper?
Is 'Mar-a-Lago', Donald's lavish beach house, in Florida or Mexico?
Is Donald rumored to have dated the late Anna Nicole Smith or the late Princess Diana?
While in college, did Donald enjoy reading Playboy or Federal Foreclosure Listings?
Did Donald receive a Golden Globe Award or a star on Hollywood's Walk of Fame?