Only Women Can Get The Perfect Score In This Test. Can You?
Only Women Can Get The Perfect Score In This Test. Can You?
Are you 100% woman?
Are you 100% woman?
What percentage of women wear the wrong bra size?
How much money does the average woman spend on beauty products in her lifetime?
It has been scientifically proven that women:
How many pairs of shoes does the average woman own?
What is the no. 1 killer of women?
A woman can get pregnant a week after having sex.
How much time of her life does the average woman spend deciding what to wear?
Who were the first to wear high heels around the 1600s?
Why did women begin wearing high heels?
On average, how many words do women speak a day? (Hint: it's 13,000 more than men)
According scientific studies, who is a better multi-tasker?
In what year were women first allowed to participate in the Olympic Games?
Pick the correct statement:
Women's hearts beat faster than men's.
Who has more taste buds?
And finally, what percentage of women describe themselves as beautiful?
Perfect Score!! 100% Feminine
Perfect Score!! 100% Feminine
100% feminine: You’re mature, independent, and intelligent, and you always keep it real. You’re blessed with a remarkable women’s style, as well as a distinctive feminine voice. Think we’re spot-on? Let us know in a comment below.
50% Feminine/ 50% Tomboy
50% Feminine/ 50% Tomboy
50% Feminine/ 50% Tomboy: You pay attention to your emotions and thoughts, you enjoy open communication with both women and men, and you keep your house (and mind) clean. But more often than not, you take too much on your shoulders. Are we spot-on? Let us know in a comment below.
100% Tomboy
100% Tomboy
100% tomboy: You love the outdoors, have guy friends, and don’t need make-up to make you beautiful. You are ambitious and adventurous, and not embarrassed to have a good laugh in public (rather than a giggle). Are we spot-on? Let us know in a comment below.