The Real Truth About False Allegations
The Real Truth About False Allegations
A conversation reveals the truth about false allegations
A conversation reveals the truth about false allegations
The Real Truth About False Allegations (A Conversation)
Everyday People
I'm scared to even talk to a woman now. Women are just going around accusing people of rape for no reason.
Sexual Violence Issues Expert
Really? Because the majority of sexual assaults are never even reported to police. I've read that the number is around 63%. So most people are abused never even tell the police.
Everyday People
Yeah, but when women do go to jail off of some woman's accusation.
And I read too. I read that there is a 2% to 10% false allegation rate. That's not low to me. Men are just going to jail because a woman "said" she was raped.
Sexual Violence Issues Expert
According to the National Sexual Violence Resource Center even the 2%-10% is an inflated number. There isn't consistency with defining "false".
Ex: One police dept. might label a claim "false" because there isn't enough evidence, corroborating evidence etc... to prosecute the case.
Doesn't mean that the victim wasn't assaulted, it just means there wasn't enough to make a case.
That can happen with a murder case. That's why there's a such thing as "cold cases" or unsolved murders.
You can know something, but unless you can prove it....(reluctant shrug) case.
Tonya GJ Prince
You bring up a good point. True crimes go unsolved all the time.
Burglaries, stolen cars, even murders. No one ever says that just because a case isn't able to be solved by the police that a crime didn't happen.
A victim who was murdered by someone is still dead. Never coming back. Gone. Whether or not the police figure out who murdered the victim, the victim is never coming back to us.
Same thing with rape. Yeah. Yes. Absolutely.
Someone raped this poor person BUT we may or may not be able to prove it.
That doesn't make the victim of rape any less violated, assaulted, and attacked. A CRIME was still committed against another person.
Tonya GJ Prince
It would be great if we could also continue to focus on the people who ARE sexually violated.
You keep saying women, women, women.....
Boys and men are raped too. Rape is a crime that impacts everybody.
Tonya GJ Prince
Speaking of victims....On average, there are 321,500 victims (age 12 or older) of rape and sexual assault each year in the United States.
Here is the link:
And RAINN got their information from the National Crime Victimization Survery.
Everyday People
I don't believe in stats. Anyone can come up with any set of numbers to make people think what they want them to think.
Tonya GJ Prince
You're not wrong. Entirely, anyway. People can and do manipulate numbers to suit their own mission.
It's always been hard to get precise, right on the nose, statistics for sexual violence. Victims face barriers to reporting, different agencies and authorities report the numbers differently, victims may drop cases, there may not be enough evidence........
Still the fact remains that sexual violence is a leading social, health, and financial issue throughout the entire globe.
Yes, this is hard!. People make it hard for victims. Systems that we have in place make it hard for victims. Lack of resources make it hard for victims.
Rapists make it hard for victims by assaulting folks. Rapists are the only ones at fault here, not the victims who bravely speak out.