How Well Do You Know The Shawshank Redemption?
How Well Do You Know The Shawshank Redemption?
Get busy living or get busy dying.
Get busy living or get busy dying.
Name Andy Dufresne's profession before his arrest
Why does Morgan Freeman's character say he's known as 'Red'?
The man in the mugshot is Morgan Freeman's son in real life
Director Frank Darabont revealed Shawshank's style was based on which film?
It was based on a short story by Ernest Hemingway
How many women speak in the film?
The film was shot in which U.S. state?
Name this character
Who composed the film's soundtrack?
The role of Tommy Williams was originally intended for Brad Pitt
Finish the quote - Warden Norton: "I believe in two things: Discipline and..."
The 'sewer' Andy crawls through was really made out of sawdust, water and...
What was the name of Brooks' bird?
In the film's closing moments, Red buys a bus ticket to...
Name the only film star not to appear on Andy Dufresne's prison wall