How well do you know Gavin?
How well do you know Gavin?
Think you're a real Gavin's fan? Take this quiz to find out. These questions are from Gavin's instagram/snapchat/twitter/live-streams.
Think you're a real Gavin's fan? Take this quiz to find out. These questions are from Gavin's instagram/snapchat/twitter/live-streams.

Let's start off with something easy. What is Gavin's last name?
How tall is Gavin?
How old is Gavin and when is his birthday?
Does Gavin have any siblings? If yes, what are their names
What is Gavin's favorite color?
What is Gavin's favorite food?
What is Gavin's favorite animal?
Gavin is part of which modeling Agency?
Who is the actor that Gavin look up to and and consider an inspiration?
We know that Gavin played Young Damon Salvatore on TVD, but which season/episode was it?
In 2015, Gavin starred in a music video with Tyler Carter, what song was it?
Who is Gavin's favorite Brit?
What are Gavin's favorite movie and tv show?
Recently, Gavin traveled to a city in Mexico with his special someone. What was the color of his swim trunk? :D
In his recent instagram live stream, Gavin mentioned the story of how he asked Larsen out. What was the day of that event?
Gavin wishes to travel to this country with Larsen within the next 2 years. What country is he referring to?