What aircraft would you Fly? (World war II)
What aircraft would you Fly? (World war II)
Test and see what plane you would fly in WW2 (Caution: Limited options to 8)
Test and see what plane you would fly in WW2 (Caution: Limited options to 8)

What Role would you play in an Assault
When do you like to fly
What country would you serve in ww2?
are you in a relationship?
If tasked with a top secret mission with you and several other pilots to destroy secret enemy aircraft facilities. Would you accept?
Would you test fly an Experimental Aircraft
Which country were you born in?
Hi-tech or low tech?
If shot down by the enemy and you bailed out would you?
If you saw a Pilot that was shot down and was getting out of the aircraft and saw you. you
P-51D Mustang
P-51D Mustang
P-47N Thunderbolt
P-47N Thunderbolt
Ki-61 Hein
Ki-61 Hein
Me-262 Schwable
Me-262 Schwable